risk mitigation
At BuildLoan, our processes and products are designed to protect you, your client and the lender and mitigate the risks associated with traditional self build mortgages.
Why risk getting it wrong? With BuildLoan, you can be confident you’re giving your clients best advice.
The last thing you want is for your clients to run out of money part way through their build or not have the money at the right time to complete their build. You certainly don’t want it to be your fault. A complaint and a claim could be time consuming and costly if you can’t justify your advice – especially if other lenders could have lent more, sooner to get the build done.
At BuildLoan, we help you operate efficiently in this specialist market. Our processes and products provide a safety net for everyone involved and ensure the project gets done without any fear of running out of cash, midway through the build.

Products Fit for Purpose
At BuildLoan, all of our products have been designed specifically to solve the common issues customers face with traditional self build mortgages. We have around 60 exclusive mortgages for intermediaries with unique features such as guaranteed cost based mortgages, advance stage payments and higher lending percentages.

Unicus Mortgage Platform
BuildLoan’s innovative new mortgage platform is a significant step forward in the way self and custom builders’ finance needs are matched to lender products and criteria. Unicus offers a seamless application, information and support process for brokers, clients, lenders, networks and mortgage clubs. Open 24/7, login at a time to suit you.

Dedicated Broker Desk
Our dedicated broker desk is staffed by self build mortgage experts, available to discuss any questions you or your clients may have. They have in-depth knowledge of each of our lenders and their individual lending criteria and can quickly guide you to the most suitable products.

Financial Underwriters
We work closely with our lender panel to understand their lending policies and requirements. Our experienced team of financial underwriters work with you to collate the supporting documents and information required for every application.

Project Underwriters & Cost Assessors
Our team of project underwriters and construction industry-experienced cost assessors carry out a highly detailed review of each client’s project and build costs to mitigate the risk of under-budgeting or over-spending. We offer a Mortgage Cost Forecast Service to fast track your client’s application with the lender.

Tailored Cashflow
Once your client’s costing evaluation is complete, we produce a tailored cashflow for them, to ensure sufficient funds are available at every stage of their project. This will form their stage payment schedule and it will be the amount they have to spend at each stage allowing them to budget accordingly.

Customer Support Team
Our customer support team progresses your client’s application to legal completion and supports them through each stage, collating and checking the information at each stage before submitting to the lender. They also importantly ensure your client’s stage releases are paid without delay.

Build Monitoring Team
Throughout our build monitoring process, we obtain regular updates from your clients to confirm build progress and compliance with budget. This means we can identify and resolve any potential issues at an early stage.

Unique Indemnity Insurance
BuildLoan has a unique Additional Security Benefit Scheme and Build Out Cover which allows lenders to indemnify their lending on land and building costs to allow them to offer higher lending percentages on land and build costs. This enables our lenders to provide the cashflow required by your customers from a protected position.